Wired has a piece in its gadgets blog about great Science Fiction tech we should have right now but don’t.
Number 7 on their list? A seaborne arcology……straight out of my story, “Come Dancefight, My Beloved Enemy”.
Granted, I certainly didn’t invent the concept of the floating arcology. And in fact the one I had envisioned was shaped more like a beehive than a pyramid. And I suppose this one doesn’t include robotic patrol sharks.
But still. It’s pretty close. It even has a microwave pulse generator right there, and a secret underwater submersible bay there. See? I mean, holy cow– they’re included in the concept art! This thing has Retro-Themed Super-Villain Lair scrawled all over it. (The jumpsuited goons live there.)
I’ll bet it has a spectacular self-destruct mechanism, too.
Looks like I can post on your site, but you still can’t post on mine. I can tell the world that the reason you don’t have a picture on this site is because you’re all self conscious about that second head growing out of the side of your skull.
I figure I’m safe until the next writer’s group meeting 🙂
I hope Hammacher Schlemmer’s paying you good coin for that robot shark link.
And I thought we took care of the extra head when we met the redneck with a shotgun last year. Has it already grown back?
The problem is that the head we removed grew a new body.