We’ve migrated the site to a new server today. Since I’ve just recently moved house, it seemed like the logical time to move my website, too. Well, that and the fact that Richard just installed a gigantic piece of hardware in his basement. Not to mention the fact that he said, “Hey, I just installed a gigantic piece of hardware in my basement. Wanna migrate your site over here?”
I do like the thought of being on a first-name basis with tech support.
So far, the move appears to be going smoothly. The stats, as of this writing:
- Fires: 0
- Mass deletions of database entries: 0
- Minor deletions of database entries: 0
- Pneumatic tubes clogged with lemur hair: 3
- Lost passwords: 0
- Pad thai spilled on laptop while testing email notifications: a little bit
Richard assures me the lemur thing is normal.
If you happen to notice strange behavior, please send a note to ian (at) iantregillis.com. (Strange behavior on this site, I mean. Please don’t send a detailed explanation of what the weird guy on the bus is doing. I ride the bus every day; I get enough of that first-hand.)
wE weRe TEsTINg the TUbez. THey arE fiNe. pAY NO atTenTion to The Lmeurs.