So, a while back I wrote a long and comprehensive post about the multiple publication delays that have hit the Milkweed books. I also mentioned that the books have moved to a new editor within Tor, and that things appeared to be back on track.
And that continues to be the case! In fact, I’m over the moon about my new editor. We’ve had several great conversations about the books, and it’s clear that we’re entirely on the same wavelength.
I received the official editorial letter for The Coldest War last month. (Just a few weeks after my new editor received the manuscript, and about 21 months after the manuscript was originally submitted on the contracted deadline.) The editorial suggestions were absolutely spot-on. They honed in on exactly the issues that I personally wanted to improve in the next draft anyway, and also provided some great advice on how to go about these improvements. So I’m really happy with the notes, and with the revised version of The Coldest War.
The long wait for editorial notes had a silver lining, too.