Did I say a winner? I meant three winners. Wow!
Since we unveiled the Chronicle of Sorrows puzzle game last year, over a hundred people have sought to rummage through the files on John Stephenson’s desk. I’ve received many hint and clue requests since last spring. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t take a slightly sadistic pleasure in doling them out. But I’m a bad person; we already knew that.
The prizes have been claimed, but the game is still available for those that feel inclined to play! It starts here…
I’ll post a complete walkthrough later. Today, below the cut, I’ve posted the winners and their prizes.
Patrick Wolohan has won a signed ARC of Milkweed #2, The Coldest War. I’ll be sending it off to him just as soon as the ARCs arrive.
Chris Bachmann has won a signed and personalized copy of a first-printing hardcover of Bitter Seeds.
Jonathan Sewell has won a signed and personalized ARC of Bitter Seeds.
Congratulations to all the winners! And a hearty thank you to everybody who played. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed putting it together. (Well, we probably enjoyed it more because we’re cruel bastards. But still.)
Thanks again, Ian. Really tough, but entertaining and very cool.