Please put a cork in it.
Turn Down Your Lights (Part 2)
So, last time I posted, forever ago, I said I thought it would take 5-6 weeks for me to convert my entire collection of MST3K episodes from videotape to DVD. Turns out that was about right. I finished the final successful conversion around 10 this morning. Whew!
Turn Down Your Lights (Where Applicable)
Since I spend the vast majority of my time either working at my day job or writing, and since I’ll have even less free time as the holidays approach, it seemed like a good idea to take on a brand new, time-intensive project at home.
It involves robots.
Well, puppets, if we must be technical about it. But they’re puppets OF robots. So that’s pretty close, right?
Overheard at a Halloween Party
“So there I was…”
Introducing the Portable Letterpress
It is a sad truth that even the most well-meaning adventurers often skimp, during the preparatory phases of an expedition, on the issue of written correspondence. And who can blame them? Who wants to pack an entire printing press and a flock of pigeons when that precious cargo space could be devoted to one’s blunderbuss, several kegs of black powder, a treasure map, and various tomes of forgotten lore? Nobody, ladies and gentlemen. Nobody.
And what a pity– so many details of the adventuring life have been lost to the ages. What goods must one never offer for barter to the one-eyed witch priests of Zanzibar? What music will soothe the savage bloodlust of the legendary Yeti? Does Charon accept multi-zone bus transfers? The loss of such knowledge is a tragedy.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why today I am pleased to unveil the Portable Letterpress.