From reader Mark P. O’Brien:
Writer. Scientist. Thoroughly Disappointing Flesh Muppet.
From reader Mark P. O’Brien:
I’m not going to lie: I am inordinately delighted by this.
When it comes to complimenting a writer, it’s hard to imagine anything more thrilling than when a reader chooses to become a fictional character. Perhaps especially when that character is, well, a deranged sociopath.
I never imagined I’d ever see Milkweed cosplay.
File this one under further examples of why the Milkweed Triptych isn’t nearly as fictional as I thought it was. (Nor is it, apparently, as fictional as we might prefer.) First it was a sequence of strange parallels between the imaginary work of Dr. von Westarp to create his battery-powered Ãœbermenschen and real-world tDCS research. Now it’s weird linguistic-deprivation experiments of the Middle Ages.
Judging from my (sporadic) blog posts over the past few years, it would seem that I have two hobbyhorses: peak helium, and transcranial direct-current stimulation (or tDCS).
Both of these topics appeared in the news in the past week, though I wouldn’t have known if not for thoughtful readers bringing the articles to my attention.
Something old, something new…
For a while, now, I’ve been meaning to mention that two of my stories are currently available online. One is a reprint and the other is an original set in the Milkweed universe.
Additionally, I’ve just discovered a second case of real-world circumstances reflecting something that I thought I had conjured from my imagination.